If you have lost your password to access the Finance Portal, this is what you should do according to the Tax Authority.
To access the site, please send an email to portal-senhas@at.gov.pt from the email address linked to your taxpayer number (NIF), as per the guidelines of the Tax Authority (AT).
#Recover the password to access the Finance Portal
“I don’t remember my PF access password and I don’t know the answer to the security question I chose!”
How do I do?
You must send an email, using the same email address associated with your taxpayer number, to: portal-senhas@at.gov.pt
For further information, see the information leaflet: https://info.portaldasfinancas.gov.pt/.../Docu.../senhas.pdf
'I don't remember my access password and I don't know the answer to the security question I chose'. What do I do? You must send an email, using the same email address that is associated with your taxpayer number, to: portal-senhas@at.gov.pt", says AT, in a post shared on Facebook.