"Prime Minister Montenegro Ensures Immigration Proposal Strikes Balance: Neither Closed Doors nor Wide Open"
The Government revealed 41 measures on Monday (June 3), encompassing enhancements to the Agency for Migration and Asylum Integration (AIMA) and the conclusion of the Expression of Interest process. Below is the complete rundown of the government's new immigration program.
What measures did the Government announce?
Ending Expression of Interest Procedure
The government will stop the Expression of Interest process.
Boosting Consular Posts
Efforts will be made to strengthen the capability of Consular Posts to respond and process applications.
Priority Channels
Special emphasis will be given to entry channels for family reunification, young students, and skilled professionals.
Mission Structure Creation
A Mission Structure will be established to handle over 400,000 pending processes.
Border Infrastructure Enhancement
Immediate actions will be taken to upgrade existing border control infrastructures, IT systems, and databases.
Addressing Airport Congestion
Measures will be implemented to reduce congestion and delays at Lisbon and Faro airport border crossings.
Strengthening CPLP Mobility Agreement
The operational framework of the CPLP Mobility Agreement will be reinforced.
**Resettlement Commitments
Resettlement and relocation commitments for beneficiaries and applicants for international protection will be confirmed and executed.
National Plan Execution
The National Plan for implementing the European Union's Migration and Asylum Pact will be developed and executed.
Temporary Installation Centres
Capacity of Temporary Installation Centres will be increased, along with the construction of new ones.
Judicial Appeal Process Streamlining
Procedural speed mechanisms will be established for immigration and asylum judicial appeals.
Combatting Abuses
A multi-force inspection team will be formed to combat human trafficking, illegal immigration, labor exploitation, and human rights violations.
Linguistic Assessment Audit
Linguistic assessment processes for obtaining Portuguese nationality will be audited.
Human Capital Attraction
A system to attract human capital aligned with the country’s needs will be created.
Qualification Recognition Improvement
Recognition of qualifications and competencies will be improved.
Foreign Citizen Training
Professional training opportunities for foreign citizens will be promoted.
Labor Needs Survey
A survey to align the supply and demand for foreign workers with their scheduled reception will be conducted.
Foreign Student Attraction
Efforts will be made to attract and accommodate foreign students in Portuguese Higher Education Institutions.
Asylum Seeker and Refugee Accommodation
Capacity for asylum seekers and refugees in reception centers will be increased.
Emergency Reception Facilities
The capacity for emergency reception of unaccompanied minors and other immigrants will be expanded.
Professional Integration
Efforts will be made to integrate immigrants into the national labor market.
Municipal Emergency Reception Centers
Emergency reception centers for immigrants will be established in collaboration with Municipalities.
Integration Projects
Integration projects in critical neighborhoods will be implemented under municipal coordination.
Portuguese Language Teaching
The supply, coverage, and frequency of teaching Portuguese as a Non-Mother Language will be strengthened.
Multilingual Support
Multilingual materials and guidance, including in functional Portuguese, will be provided.
Basic Education Equivalences
The process for granting equivalences in basic education will be simplified.
Health Service Access
Instruments will be created to facilitate immigrants' access to the National Health Service.
Social Investment
Instruments for channeling private capital for social investment in immigrant integration projects will be established.
Foreigners and Borders Unit
A Foreigners and Borders Unit will be created at the Public Security Police.
AIMA Restructuring
The competencies and internal organization of AIMA will be restructured.
Resource Strengthening
The human and technological resources of AIMA will be reinforced to enhance productivity and performance.
Residence Permit Renewal Service
Responsibility for in-person service of residence permit renewal requests will be transferred from IRN to AIMA.
Sectoral Identifiers
Expansion of in-person service for immigrant citizens to request sectoral identifiers (NIF, NISS, NNU) will be facilitated.
Migration Observatory
The Migration Observatory will be restored as a State body to inform public policy.
Council for Migration and Asylum
The Council for Migration and Asylum will be redefined and automated as an advisory body to the Government.
Financial Support
Financial support for immigrant and civil society associations operating in the sector will be strengthened.