In 2021, the middle point of the monthly salary for full-time employees with complete compensation was 959.34 euros. Only 29% of these employees had monthly salaries exceeding the average value of 1,289.50 euros.

According to data from the National Statistics Institute (INE) based on the Personnel Tables, it was found that in 2021, the median monthly salaries did not surpass 1,000 euros in 285 out of the 308 municipalities, accounting for 93%. The earnings ranged from 760.40 euros in Gavião and Belmonte to 1,781.36 euros in Castro Verde.
The INE bulletin states, "The median monthly salaries for female full-time employees (TCOs) were lower at 896.39 euros compared to male TCOs at 1,022.00 euros. Only in the municipalities of Oeiras (1,296.49 euros), Lisbon (1,235.44 euros), Porto (1,066.00 euros), and Campo Maior (1,034.63 euros) did the median earnings for women exceed 1,000 euros per month. In other words, in these four municipalities, 50% of the TCOs working there earned more than that benchmark.
It's important to highlight that in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (AML) during the analyzed year, the most significant contrast in the median monthly earnings was observed among different age groups. The highest median value, amounting to 1,225.25 euros, was noted in the age group of 35 to 54, while the lowest, at 1,018.32 euros, was recorded in the 16 to 34 age group. Interestingly, despite being the sub-region with the most notable variation in median monthly earnings between age groups, AML was also the sole region where the median earnings surpassed 1,000 euros per month across all three age brackets.